2023 mission stats

FAJR Scientific’s 2023 Orthopedic Mission Stats

Inaugural Mission

West Bank, Palestine

January 5th to the 12th, 2023

Pioneering Mission

Gaza Strip, Palestine

August 2 – 11, 2023

Operation Names

The Children of Palestine Have Not Forgotten

Number of Hospitals


Palestine Medical Centre Rafidia, Shifaa, Nasser, and European

Number of Operating Rooms


Number of Patients on the list approved for Surgery


Types of Surgeries

Total Knee Replacement, Sports Medicine, Scoliosis, and Foot and ankle

Number of Medical personnel

45 from the USA

90 Palestinians

90 Palestinian Medical Students

Total market value Cost of the missions including Supplies

5 million US Dollars

Missions Goals

Successfully Complex Orthopedic Surgeries

Successfully train medical personnel including 45 Palestinian orthopedic surgeons

Successfully train clinical researchers and medical students to manage the FAJR Orthopedic Registry

0 infections, 0 complications & 0 safety incidence


Project Cure, Spartan Medical, Rahma Worldwide, PCRF, Stryker, Flower Orthopedic,
and Blessings International.

Mission’s Outcome

Complex orthopedic surgeries completed

Joint injections in 10 days

Anesthesia Administrations

Physical Therapy Sessions

Hospital discharges

Radiology Reports Reviewed

Clinic visits including Gaza Street Clinics

Complications Zero Infections Zero Safety Incidents


The remarkable work was covered by 50+ news outlets and social media platforms worldwide,
highlighting its impact and significance.

Overall cost

The mission’s total market value cost is 5.0 million USD, in the form of cash and inkind donations.

Donations: 550,000 USD of which Rahma Worldwide Aid & Development contributed 12,000 USD

Partners’ Contributions: in-kind donations with a market value of 4.45 million USD

Project Cure: Donated Stryker system power sets and cure kits with surgical supplies

Rahma Worldwide: Mission’s logistics and shipping of supplies to Gaza

PCRF: Mission’s logistics within the West Bank

Spartan Medical: A variety of disposals and sports instrument sets

Flower Orthopedic: Significant volume of small bones screws and instrument

Stryker: Power Toolsets

Arthrex: Knee ligament and meniscal implants

Envisioning Tomorrow: Prospects on the 2024 Horizon

Looking ahead to our next mission, scheduled for July 30th to August 9th, 2024, FAJR Scientific plans to expand this year’s goals and extend our elite Orthopedic services to Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem. This will require the complex coordination of 22 operating rooms across 6 major orthopedic-capable hospitals simultaneously, to perform over 300+ complex orthopedic surgeries within 5 days- a feat that has never been attempted anywhere nor anytime. The estimated total cost for the 2024 mission is over US $8.0 million. To cover the expenses of this complex mission, we anticipate a cash requirement of approximately US$ 5.7 million and donated supplies worth close to US$ 1,500,000. This amount will include the cost of implants, tools, instrument sets, shipping, economy class airline tickets for 70 medical and support team members, hotel accommodation, meals, transportation, administrative fees, and other miscellaneous expenses, including, but not limited to, operations, media, logistics, IT support, clinical studies, and EMR development.

Thus, we are inviting you to donate to our Emergency Relief and rebuilding effort as well as our 2024 orthopedic mission. Your donation will go a long way to supporting this Mega Mission, and together we can share the impact of restoring integrity to those who have lost hope.