
FAJR Scientific’s Humanitarian Mission in Gaza

Dr. Junaid Sultan, representing FAJR Scientific, recently completed a mission in Gaza, where he and a team of international surgeons from the UK and the US provided critical medical aid under the auspices of our organization. This effort is part of FAJR Scientific’s broader initiative to not only deliver immediate healthcare but also to rebuild and enhance the medical infrastructure in conflict zones.

During his deployment at the European Hospital, situated between Khan Younis and Rafah, Dr. Sultan encountered extreme conditions that tested the limits of medical care. Despite these challenges, the dedication of our team shone through as they treated countless patients affected by the ongoing conflict. The types of injuries treated ranged from recent conflict-related wounds to complications arising from lack of access to basic medical care over the past months.

FAJR Scientific is committed to improving the dire medical situation in Gaza by supplying essential medical equipment and expertise. Our work includes the provision of specialist stitches for vascular repairs, orthopedic nails for bone injuries, essential medications, and more, aiming to address the overwhelming needs of a population in crisis.

The local medical staff, supported by FAJR Scientific, have shown extraordinary resilience and dedication, often working continuous shifts under relentless pressure. Our goal is not only to support these healthcare heroes but also to sustain and improve the healthcare services available to all residents of Gaza.

Dr. Sultan’s experiences underline the critical need for continued support and international awareness of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. FAJR Scientific remains at the forefront, advocating for increased aid and the safe delivery of medical supplies into the area.

For more details od our mission, Read the Full Article Here.


U.S. Surgeons Provide Relief and Training on Medical Mission to Gaza

A team of U.S. orthopedic surgeons recently completed a 5-day mission to the Gaza Strip, performing around 150 joint replacement surgeries. The trip was organized by Fajr Scientific, a U.S. non-profit seeking to aid Gaza’s strained healthcare system.

The visiting surgeons provided hands-on treatment while also training local medical staff in orthopedic techniques. This knowledge transfer aims to build lasting surgical capabilities in Gaza, which faces shortages after years of conflict and blockade.

The mission brought hope to Gazan patients in dire need of joint surgery but unable to afford treatment outside the territory. One recipient called the initiative “a breath of fresh air” amidst the hardships Gaza’s health system faces.

Along with performing life-changing operations, the team donated $4 million in medical equipment to further boost Gaza’s orthopedic capacity. The trip exemplified cross-border cooperation to improve health and develop self-sufficiency in the isolated area.


2023’s Mission Brought Hope and Healing to Gaza


Gaza confronts formidable obstacles when it comes to accessing essential healthcare services, resulting in significant delays that exacerbate existing disorders and contribute to the worsening of various diseases. The intricate process of obtaining permits adds to this challenge, often subjecting patients to a lengthy and uncertain waiting period, where regrettably, not everyone finds acceptance. Astonishingly, approximately 33% of applications are either denied or face prolonged delays, perpetuating a distressing scenario. Tragically, the prolonged waiting game not only for permits but for transportation such as ambulances has dire consequences. In addition to transportation challenges and extended wait times, healthcare professionals also face a lack of access to adequate training, which occasionally hinders their ability to provide the assistance that they earnestly wish to extend to their patients in need. The ordeal that Gaza’s patients must endure to gain access to even the most basic healthcare services is burdensome and emotionally taxing, painting a bleak picture of their struggle.

In light of these pressing issues, FAJR Scientific is committed to making a meaningful difference by spearheading efforts to enhance healthcare accessibility for the residents of Gaza specifically in Orthopedics. This will be the first of, hopefully, many more missions to help Gaza. Here at FAJR, we aim not to only to perform surgeries but to educate the healthcare professionals in Gaza and increasing access to healthcare for the residents. All information and infographics presented here were provided from WHO.

2023’s MISSION that you all graciously agreed to join us on: We Haven’t Forgotten 2023


As successful physicians, nurses and providers in the USA, we have been blessed with so much by choosing medicine as our career path. However, we must not forget why we chose this challenging career in the first place – to strive to relieve the pain and suffering of those who do not have access to the same resources and opportunities that we do.

With this in mind, FAJR Scientific is excited to announce the title of the 2023 FAJR mission: “We Haven’t Forgotten.” This name reflects our commitment to the FAJR mission and our dedication to making a difference in the lives of those we serve. Let us continue this work together to provide the best possible care and support to those in need.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to this important cause.

Please keep in mind that the FAJR Mission that connects these annual missions is: “to provide world-class, orthopedic care to the world’s most in-need.”

At FAJR- our commitment to providing world-class orthopedic care to those who need it most. Our mission is to make a difference in the lives of people around the world by offering
top-quality medical and surgical care and support to those who may not have access to it otherwise.

With our exemplary team of highly skilled and experienced physicians and nurses, we are dedicated to providing the best possible care to our patients. Our focus is on orthopedic care, ensuring that those with musculoskeletal injuries and conditions receive the treatment they need to live a pain-free and independent life.

At FAJR we believe that everyone deserves access to quality medical care, regardless of their location or financial situation. That’s why we are committed to bringing our services to those who need it most, no matter where they are in the world.

Our team – you – reflect that mission and together, we can provide world-class orthopedic care to those who need it most.

In the News

Aljazeera: American Medical Team Performs Complex Surgeries for Gaza Patients

Associated Press News: Volunteers US doctors performing operations in Gaza

Reuters: US surgeons visit Gaza to treat patients, train doctors

Al Mashhad: Arab American Doctors Perform 150 Surgeries in Gaza


Age: 52

Seham is a 52 year old homemaker and the primary caretaker of her family. She suffered a knee injury while doing lawn work in her yard and had to undergo surgery. Her first knee surgery was treated with plates and screws. However, her initial plan failed FAJR scientific team identified that a total knee replacement was needed for Seham. 8 hours after her knee replacement she was walking without pain.


Age: 19

Afnan’s Story
By Tarek Abdelkader
I did not travel with the team and remained in the US providing logistical support and posting daily videos of our medical team in action to our new YouTube channel @FAJRScientific.

Afnan is a 19-year-old college student who fell from the second story at age 5. This resulted in her left leg being 3.5 centimeters shorter than her right leg. As a child, she was told that she could have a surgery to extend her leg but when she’s grown up.

After 14 years of dealing with this injury, Afnan’s looked visibly sad and in pain during the exam. Not only physically, but also – and probably more severely, emotionally. On one hand, there was a young girl who has missed on so many activities with friends and family. On the other hand, it was a young lady at the start of her adult life clearly worried about her future and goals as a lady, a professional, a wife, and a future mother insha-Allah. I vividly recall Dr. Tariq Nayfeh giving Afnan two big decisions to think about;
1) This is not a one-surgery process. If she is to do this surgery now, she should expect to need another 1, 2, maybe 3 surgeries down the road.
2) While he would be able to extend the leg, he doesn’t know by how long. Extending the bone is one thing. He will be limited by how much he can extend the muscles and blood vessels. There is in fact no way to know until the middle of the surgery.

“After all this, do you still want to have the surgery?” asked Dr. Nayfeh. With Zero hesitation, Afnan said a resounding Yes! clearly surprising many in the room … but it was her call.
Next, there was a video of our media correspondent interviewing Afnan. Afnan looked so sad and down that I decided not to post the video solely out of respect for her.
The next video was shortly after the surgery. The PT helping her move around a bit and she was nearly crying and visibly in excruciating pain. It was very difficult to watch, and I also didn’t post it.
The next day, something amazing happened! While our therapist was working on her, she let out an amazing smile! She looked like a completely different person! As our PT was administering therapy and exercises, she continued to simile and grin.
It was the next and final day when she was clearly laughing, pain is almost gone. She’s moving around with a walker but clearly adjusting to having two legs of the same length without stress on her body and back. Laughing out loud! She was getting discharged!

It was only then when I decided to post a “throw back in time” of the original interview. It was so uplifting for me to watch her into a completely different person in a matter of 72 hours. And the best of all news is Dr. Nayfeh’s report after the surgery:
1) AlhamduleAllah he was able to extend her leg almost the entire 3.5 cm.
2) AlhamduleAllah he was also able to perform it in a way where she may not even need any more surgeries in the future!

Afnan doesn’t know who I am, but she managed to make me shed tears of both sadness then joy! I continue to wonder how she is doing now weeks after the surgery and make duaa for her.