Yazan Al-Harazeen, a resident of Shijayah, Gaza, faced severe injuries on November 19, 2023. While sitting outside, heating water to make tea, a sudden bomb blast struck him and his family. The aftermath led to the amputation of both his legs, his right arm, and one of his fingers on the left hand. Additionally, his father underwent the amputation of his right leg, and his mother sustained a broken bone. Currently, the family is dispersed for medical treatment – the mother in Egypt, the father in Gaza, and Yazan, the child, receiving treatment in Jordan through the Royal Medical Services.
Yazan’s current prosthetic for his arm lacks the functionality to move his fingers or wrist, providing limited assistance. An advanced prosthetic is deemed necessary for him. FAJR Scientific is initiating a fundraising campaign to gather the required funds for a superior prosthetic for Yazan legs and arm, aiming to pave the way for a brighter future for Yazan. Any excess fund raised beyond Yazan’s needs will be used for purchasing prosthetics for other Palestinian children with amputations.